Cyclo-Camping Velo Orange Style - Swift Industries

Cyclo-Camping Velo Orange Style - Swift Industries

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We met Scott at the Philly Bike Expo a few years back where he gave a talk about bike touring abroad. We are a proud Velo Orange dealer, and turn to their racks and decaleurs to set up randonneur cyclists all over the world.


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Clint Piolet Shred

There are little truths and big truths in this world. A big truth is that no one runs an independent bicycle company to hit a gold mine–we do this because we’re so delighted and enamored by bicycles that we didn’t need to look further to land a passionate livelihood. Behind each small company there is a philosophy that drives its creativity. Here’s what Velo Orange has to say,

“Most cyclists don’t race, yet they ride uncomfortable racing bikes and try to go too fast and so miss much of the world around them. Our emphasis is on a more relaxed and comfortable style of riding, and on refined bikes that are comfortable on a century ride, an inn-to-inn tour, or even on a ramble down your favorite dirt road.

Touring frames, parts and accessories have always been at the heart of Velo Orange. From racks and fenders for traditional touring bikes, camping accessories Opinel knives and  like to frames like the Piolet for off road touring, we have a wide range of products designed for all cyclists.

In the meantime, why not put your camera, jacket, and wallet in the handlebar bag and go out for a whole day or weekend in the country? Stop at a nice inn and have lunch, chat with the local farmers, drop by an art studio, winery, or bakery.”

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Swift Campout is a call to bicycle-campers worldwide to skip town and go camping for the Solstice on June 25th! Join thousands of kindred spirits for a night under the open sky, and kick off your summer of adventuring.

Sign up and add your campout to the map. When you register, you are automatically entered to win amazing gifts from our partners including the front and rear racks seen below from Velo Orange!

Campeur profile


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