*WE Bike* rider: Kristina Sepúlveda - Swift Industries

WE Bike NYC is organizing ten women from five organizations to ride 262 miles on bicycles from New York City to Washington, DC to represent their communities at the nation’s largest annual bicycle advocacy event, the National Bike Summit on March 3, 2014. For more about the ride, check out our fundraising page HERE!
It is with great pleasure and wholehearted support that Swift Industries has donated touring gear to three amazing women involved in this adventure.
Over the next week, in anticipation of the group’s departure, we’ll highlight each of these adventurous souls. We hope they’ll inspire you to follow their lead in bicycle advocacy, adventuring, and bringing women’s visibility to the fore of our cycling communities!
Kristina Sepúlveda
Age? 33
Where are you from? New York City (with a 12 year layover in Florida)
When, where, and why did you start riding? I started riding a bike when my family left the Upper West Side of Manhattan for the sandy beaches of Florida when I was 10. I was pretty hardcore about it throughout middle school until I discovered adolescent vices. Fast forward 18 years and on a whim I bought a rusty little beater I affectionately refer to as Triumph the Insult Comic Bike. Since then Triumph and I have ridden all over NYC and New Orleans, LA. She’s lost some parts and I’ve lost some pounds these past few years, but we’ve made it this far.
How has WE Bike NYC (or biking with your org, or as a woman) impacted your life? I got hooked up with WE Bike NYC when I rode with them for the 5 Boro Bike Tour. The year before I had done it alone and while that was a great experience, it did not compare to riding in a supportive group of women who cheered me on as Triumph and I struggled up the bridges.
Why do you want to go on the ride? I’m riding this ride because I believe strongly that “the personal is political”. Investing in efforts to get more Latinas biking throughout New York City is about increasing levels of health and wealth in my community.
Anything else you’d like to add? Triumph is really mad she’s going to have to sit this one out.
Invest a little in your community by supporting Kristina on this ride: Click here!