This Party is for the Birds! - Swift Industries

This Party is for the Birds! - Swift Industries

Be The First To See Our Brand New Collection, And Help Raise Money For A Great Cause!

Each holiday season we pour our hearts and creativity into a limited-edition small-batch collection of gear that unites our love of art, of product, and of the hands-on ethos of the “maker” ecosystem from which Swift Industries was born. For Holiday 2021, the culmination of our efforts gives you The Dovetail Collection, a very special blend of Swift bags in one-off layups, custom art by Wyatt Hersey, and supporting product contributions from NOCS Provisions and Mordecai Book Building. We’re super proud of this year’s amazing collection, and extra thrilled to announce that a portion of proceeds from sales of the collection will be donated to the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch to benefit their work in habitat restoration and preservation.



Come and celebrate the launch of our super-limited edition Dovetail Collection, while benefitting the Audubon Society’s Appleton Whittell Research Ranch in Elgin, AZ. Join us for an exclusive Dovetail Collection pre-release party! Together we’re raising awareness and funds to support the research and native grasslands conservation efforts of the Appleton-Whittell Audubon Research Ranch in Elgin, AZ.

Adventure route-builder and endurance racer Sarah J Swallow, will talk about what the ranch does and how she’s built a series of awe-inspiring routes and events in partnership with the ranch, and why the bicycle-adventure community is being called to invest in the work the scientists of AWRR are doing in the Sky Islands of southern Arizona.


We’re raffling off the entire Dovetail Collection and we’re contributing 5% of all Dovetail purchases to AWRR!




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