For the eighth year in a row thousands of adventurous spirits will load camping gear on their bikes for a weekend adventure. And this year, as always, we are giving away piles of gear and goodies generously donated to the kitty from our brand partners.
There are TWO CONTESTS and TWO WAYS you can get in the running to win big.
(1) The Swift Campout Grand Giveaway Sweepstakes!
How? REGISTER FOR SWIFT CAMPOUT! All Campout sign-ups through Friday June 24th are automatically entered into the sweepstakes pool. That’s it! ‘Nuff said.
What’s up for grabs? A full limited-edition 2022 Swift Campout kit! PLUS: Coffee from
Black Coffee Roasters of Missoula; Sandals from Bedrock Sandals; titanium puffin’ accessories from Dangle Supply; rad wearables from The Radavist!
(2) The Radavist Swift Campout Photo Shootout!
How? This one is for the photogs! We want to see your adventurous spirit and creativity on display. Document and distill the best vibes of your Swift Campout experience into a 10-slide carousel post on your Instagram main page during the week of June 27th.
Rules for Entry: (a) Let us know you’re entering the contest by beginning your caption copy with: “here’s my entry into the 2022 #swiftcampoutphotoshootout!” (b) must tag @theradavist and @swiftindustries in the photo and in the caption. (c) Must enter by 11:59PM Friday, July 1st deadline!
What’s up for grabs? A full limited-edition 2022 Swift Campout kit! Photos featured on The Radavist site and Instagram! A 27.5 Adventure Carbon Wheelset from Hunt Wheels! Wrap that new wheelset in the tires of your choice from SimWorks! Coffee from Black Coffee Roasters of Missoula; Sandals from Bedrock Sandals; light ‘n fast titanium puffin’ accessories from Dangle Supply; rad wearables from The Radavist!
The esteemed jury made up of representatives from The Radavist and Swift Industries will judge all entries on their merits including but not limited to technical considerations, composition, lighting and impact, as well as the raw emotional power of the images (aka STOKE FACTOR — make us want to be there with you!). Selections will be made and announced Friday, July 8.