Swift Industries and Bicycle Times Magazine are proud to announce the winners of the 2013 Tough and Tender Project

the Mt Rainier Award goes to

Anna Goren, Seattle WA

First Prize: Roll Top Panniers with a backpack conversion


the Mount Adams Award goes to

My Bike Needs No Escort, by Tovah Burstein, Chicago IL

the Mount Baker Award goes to

The Triumph of Joy, by Rachel Stevens, Missoula MT

Second and Third Prizes: Mini Roll Top Panniers

Mini Roll Top Panniers

Congratulations, ladies!

The winning pieces will be published in Bicycle Times Magazine throughout the winter of 2013/2014.

Thank you to everyone who shared your stories. We received over seventy submissions to the third annual Tough and Tender Project. Swift Industries will be publishing many of these stories about adventure, motherhood, challenge and liberation at builtbyswift.com stay tuned…

